Gregory Santamoor,
EVS Director

Ketler Louissaint,



About Us

The New York City Public Schools' Educational Vision Services (EVS) is the largest education program in the world serving students who are blind and visually impaired from 5 to 21 years of age and eligible preschool children. This specialized organization employs over 150 staff members who serve approximately 900 students with vision services, orientation & mobility services, evaluations and parent training. EVS instruction is guided by the Expanded Core Curriculum to support students with visual impairments to prepare for independence in school and the larger community.

Teachers of the Visually Impaired and Orientation & Mobility Teachers work with eligible vision students to fully participate in their DOE community schools and Charter schools or within more specialized District 75 programs in order to be on par and integrate with their same-aged, non-visually impaired peers.

EVS is designed for students with visual impairments and blindness to successfully access the school curriculum and to be as independent as possible in the school environment.

How to obtain vision services.